This parent organization group is made up of our school parents working together to fulfill our mission as a school to have the home, school and community together to spread God's love.
What is the PAT?
We are a "committee" of parents working together to plan family fun activities and build a better sense of community among our school and parish. Money we raise through a variety of small fundraisers goes toward student activities, staff appreciation and other special purchases.
Who can be on the PAT?
Any parent of a St. Pat's student who is interested in helping out. We need help with ideas and with planning and carrying out activities. As the saying goes---"many hands makes light work."
When do we meet?
We will meet on the second Tuesday every other month beginning in September and ending in May and any other meetings as necessary. We meet at 6:30 at the school.
Some of the upcoming activities that are in the works:
Quarter Parties
Trivia Night
Catholic Schools Week--January
Staff Appreciation Week--May
Providing Supper for the teachers during conferences
Olympic Day/BBQ
Any questions? Contact Angie Fischer 348-5022. Email [email protected]
Consider Joining PAT
Considere unirse con PAT
Chris Nuckols, Chair
Leah Murphy
Paula Winkel
Megan McCabe, Teacher
Lauren Thorson, Teacher